Lansdowne Internal Medicine provides the following services:
- Diagnostic and follow up Internal Medicine care
- Medical, Preoperative, College, & Sports Physical Exams
- Comprehensive Diabetes Care
- Insulin Pump Management
- Personalized One-on-One Diabetes Teaching
- Pre Operative Exams
- Minor Skin Procedures
- In House Phlebotomist for Lab Draws
- Spirometry
- Hearing Test
- Vision Screening
- Ankle Brachial Index
- Ear Irrigation
- Vaccine Administration
- PT/INR testing and monitoring
- Allergy Shots
- Tuberculin Skin Testing
- Reclast Infusion
- Travel Medicine Recommendations
SARS-CoV2 Testing
Please call the office if you have had exposure to someone with COVID19, have symptoms, or you have questions about testing for screening. We will need to set up a virtual visit to discuss testing for COVID19.
Please note the testing area is circled in red below: